International Transgender Day of Remembrance 2022

Kelley Winters, Ph.D.

I dream of a world where intersectional hatred of gender and racial diversity no longer necessitate a Transgender Day of Remembrance observance for our fallen sisters, brothers, and siblings. Until that day, we say their names, in clear voices, to an intolerant world that allowed no space for their authentic lives.

The Remembering Our Dead Project reports 57 deaths of Transgender and Gender Diverse people in the United States to violence and suicide, since the 2021 Transgender Day of Remembrance (November 21, 2021 to November 20, 2022).

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Here is a formatted list of U.S. names that I have prepared from information provided by Remembering Our Dead for reading at the Santa Barbara, California, TDOR observance.

The TGEU Trans Murder Monitoring (TMM) project reports 327 global murders of Trans and Gender Diverse people from October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022. 276 of these were outside of the United States. The vast majority were Trans Women or NonBinary Femmes; two-thirds were people of color; and nearly half were sex workers.

Here is a formatted list of names, outside of the U.S., that I have prepared from information provided by the Trans Murder Monitoring (TMM) project.

Please feel free to download and share these files for use at your community TDOR observances. I have provided separate lists for the names of our US and Non-US fallen sisters, brothers, and siblings. They include US names from Nov 21 to Nov 20, while TGEU records international names on a different calendar, from Oct 1 to Sept 30. Please say their names.

I am deeply grateful for the emotional labor and sacrifice made by the individuals and organizations who compile these lists. What they do is essential and difficult work. I wish you peace on this International Transgender Day of Remembrance and safe passage through the next year.